2021 Growth Year – Magical Encountering With Myself

2021 Growth Year – Magical Encountering With Myself

2021 was an intense year with many changes. Some were fundamental changes, as they serve higher goals and objectives.

2021 was my year of growth, and 2022 will be my consistency year. Then, and only now, when doing my year in review, I realise that all my 2021 actions and decisions are paving the path for the following year.

How was my 2021? Insanely unexpected and intense, but clearly responding to what I was asking for. Every year I set an intention for the year to come, and 2021’s destine was to be my year of growth. And so it was. But it was so intense that it made me forget that I have even set this intention.

(No, I didn’t keep it in my sight all the time, as the recommendation is. I just wrote it down on my bullet journal when transitioning from 2020 to 2021)

Only now, when doing my year in review in the past month, I have noticed it. When I started checking my calendar & my digital planners, my bullet journal, and morning pages – yep, that’s how you do a year in review.

You NEVER rely on what you remember because our mind is SOOOO selective, you cannot even imagine.

So, in a nutshell, I’ve decided that 2021 will be my year of growth and hell it was. In fact, my development took place in different scenarios than I have pictured, and (now) I am happy that it was like this.

I have learnt so much, and I have experienced so many of the learnings I had.

I have only gratitude for all the (unexpected) changes I’ve been through and for everyone next to me on my self-discovery journey.

When embarking on changing your life, one of the steps is to ensure that you have a group of support.

I am blessed because I had the support and unconditional love of my partner, family, and friends, who came to be aware of the change process on the go.

You might find it hard to believe it, but I am not much of a sharing person.

But I needed to become one to get my message through and express myself.

And, I’ve been practising how it feels to be vulnerable through some public posts here and there during the year.

Every time I look back to this year, I feel that it was a blast!

At the same time, it was so intense. It had a considerable amount of confusion, frustration, anxiety, sleepless nights, sadness and angriness.

Enough moments when I felt I’d give up, and too many moments in which I said, “No way, Jose! This is not possible”. Believe me, I’ve seen a lot of impossible becoming possible in 2021.

But I also had AMAZING moments.

I’ve embarked on new projects, new roles.

I’ve trained myself in several coaching techniques. As a result, I’ve graduated with my Change Strategy programme, becoming a Change Strategist, and I’ve finished two full-time courses on NLP techniques.

I’ve attended several personal growth & development workshops focused on clarity, habits, goal-setting, planning and leadership.

As I work in marketing, I have to keep myself updated regularly on content marketing, community, and social media – this is an industry of constant learning. So, I created @digital.marketing.basics.

Based on my experience and learning, I’ve mentored entrepreneurs on their social and content strategies. I also start supporting those willing to know themselves better or manage changes. As a result, I became a part-time Lifelong Learning Coach by the end of the year.

I’ve learnt to let go, and I had to pull myself out from some projects close to my heart, but that couldn’t be a priority. And others had to be paused. That was also painful to let go of.

So instead of crying out, I started working with a coach that helped me gain clarity and identify my values. Then, feeling aligned with my values and passions, I decided what I wanted to do next.

I also start working with a therapist to help me open and explore a dusty cupboard, where all my inner resources reside. Another metaphor would be to imagine a ship sunk with riches. That’s what it means to me to work with a therapist. And, of course, the journey is paved with some emotional child wounds to heal. We all have them.

2021 was the year I didn’t grow personally and professionally and made many changes. I’ve adjusted and created sleeping, training, nutrition, and self-care habits.

How was your 2021? Leave your story in the comments.